Injury Law Experts

Motor vehicle accidents occur every day on our roads, many accidents result in serious injury and unfortunately even a fatality. If you have been injured in an accident involving a car, truck or motorcycle, you may have the right to compensation. Whether you are a driver, passenger, pedestrian or cyclist, if you were not at fault, or even if partly at fault you may have a claim.

You may also be able to make a claim if a loved one has been seriously injured or is a fatality due to a motor vehicle accident.


Simone will take you through your claim, step-by-step. She considers your injuries, treatment, medical expenses and any ongoing issues or support required for your recovery, including your ability to return to life (including work), as it was before your accident.

In Queensland, all registered vehicles must be insured by a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurer. Most motor vehicle claims are made against the CTP insurer of the vehicle at fault and the CTP insurer is liable to pay any compensation you are entitled to receive.

If the accident involves a vehicle that was uninsured or can’t be identified you still can be compensated through the Nominal Defendant government insurance scheme. However note, strict time limits apply.


It is important that you protect your rights and speak with a trained legal professional as soon as you are able after the accident. Even if you are still in hospital, or completing rehabilitation. Simone can come to visit you to start the process. As a family member, you can bring a compensation claim on behalf of a minor, or someone who is unable to act for themselves due to their injury.

A compensation claim must be brought within 3 years of the date of the accident, however, time limits are shorter in Nominal Defendant claims.

Don’t delay – Call 0421 015 315

Our promise to you – no win, no fee, no fuss.